
Showing posts from January, 2019

Touch Assignment

(From A Natural History of the Senses by Diane Ackerman) Under Your Skin Ink Pen and Paper (8x11) Reading: "Sex is the ultimate intimacy, the ultimate touching when, like two paramecia, we engulf one another. We play at devouring each other, digesting each other, we nurse on each other, drink each other's fluids, actually get under each other's skin." (-Diane Ackerman A Natural History of the Senses ) Artist Statement: Skin is vital in human sexuality. Another person sees you in a way that you will never be able to see yourself. Although your own, skin is unexplored- a plethora of unknown bends and crevices. Opening physically to another is intimacy...ultimate gift within the realm of touch. Ackerman's words that people "actually get under each other's skin" is inspiring. Literally sex engulfs and enters skin, allowing another to see you vulnerable, emotional, and even upset.  I chose this grotesque and somewhat carnivorous image to